Views: 0 Author: Gerard Jiao Publish Time: 2023-05-18 Origin:
Common faults of tension machine
Insufficient tension and slow tension speed:
1, tank a tank oil is not enough or heating caused by excessive oil viscosity, need to replenish oil or replace oil in time. b The filter screen of the oil tank or pump is blocked, which causes the pump to suck oil. Check and clean regularly.
2, pump failure:
(1) Plunger and hole wear, clearance is too large, oil absorption is difficult or stuck
(2) piston spring fatigue. Not enough elasticity.
(3) Oil distribution valve (main fault)
A oil valve inlet and outlet steel ball and seat hole wear: poor sealing
B oil discharge hole steel ball spring force is too small or tired, the oil discharge can not seal the sealing ring of c oil valve, sealing surface wear, can not form a sealing container.
3. Variable valve:
(l) Variable valve piston rod seal damage, easy to cause the system slow or no pressure boost phenomenon
(2) The wear or spring deformation failure of the variable poppet valve causes oil leakage and slow or no pressure boost. The highest pressure of the variable valve is 32mpa, and the adjustment is small and gradually increases.
4, safety valve (relief valve) : for the adjustment of the working pressure of the system and limit the maximum pressure of the system, by adjusting the adjustment screw, the maximum pressure is not more than 80mpa, no pressure boost mainly for the poppet valve wear or spring fatigue fracture.
5. Jack: internal oil leakage or external leakage of the cylinder reduces the working pressure of the system due to the internal strain of the cylinder or the wear and aging of the seal ring used by the shaft. Inspection method :J after the top cylinder, check the cylinder oil outlet is leaking incense.